This will be my first week as a Door Dash Driver 01/31/2021-02/06/2021. It is a new side hustle that I am adding to my arsenal. Originally, I planned to use this job to make an extra $50 a month.
However, I am planning to do more than that. Depending on how my first week goes, I will try to make $10,000 this year through DoorDash. With this extra income, I will use a portion to fund the $50 investing challenge created by Invested Millennial, a portion set aside for taxes, tithes, and the remaining to pay extra to my student loan debt.
How I Plan to Reach My $10,000 goal
In order, to reach this goal I will need to make $150 a week. I have not decided what schedule will be, but I know working peak hours will be the best way to reach my goal. During peak hours, I can make extra money per order ranging from $1-3 an order.
The last time I looked at the app, it showed peak hours on the weekend only. I hope that they have peak hours during the week, so I can Dash after I get off my full-time job.
My First Week as a Door Dash Driver
Sunday, January 31, 2021
I worked peak hours for an extra $2 an hour from 5:30-7pm. The peak pay was being offered in a neighboring city so I went there to dash. I was able to get two orders totaling $15 in a hour and a half. It was not as much money as I thought I would make but I am hoping I get better with time.
Orders taken:
- Hard Eight BBQ Total: $5 (Base pay $3 + Tip $2)
- Whiskey Cake Total: $10 (Base pay $3 + Peak pay $2 + Tip $5)
The last order took me out of the area I was dashing in so I just stopped and went home.
Monday, February 1, 2021
After I got off work, I went to dash for two hours. I was able to deliver 4 orders totaling $36.02. I had one Wal-mart grocery order to deliver. What I learned about Wal-mart grocery orders is they give really good tips.
Orders taken:
- Ara Asian Cuisine & Wings Total: $5.25 (Base pay $3.25 + Tip $2)
- McDonald’s Total: $7 (Base pay $3 + Tip $4)
- Wal-mart Total: $15.77 (Base pay $5.77 + Tip $10)
- Freebirds World Burrito Total: $8 (Base pay $3 + Tip $ 5)
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
I didn’t go dashing right after work. I had a meeting to attend, so I did that and logged into DoorDash after that around 9pm. This day was not that successful. I was out for around 55 mins and I only got 1 order for $7. Dashing during the week or at this time may not be lucrative. I will have to take a few more orders to figure it out.
Orders taken:
McDonalds Total: $7 (Base pay $3 + Tip $4)
Thursday, February 4, 2021
This morning, I woke up early around 4:30am, so I decided to DoorDash. When I looked at the app, one of the areas near me was very busy. I decided to try it out.
It was a bust. I got there and I did not get any orders. I sat around for like 10 mins or so. When I went back to the map to see the business of the area, it showed it was not busy. I am assuming that on my drive over there was less demand.
So later that morning around 6:52am, I decided to try DoorDash again in my area. This was a lot more successful. My area was currently very busy with orders so I was able to complete four orders in a 1hr 30 mins. time frame.
- Denny’s Total: $4.26 (Base pay $3 + Tip $1.26)
- Chick-fil-a Total: $6 (Base pay $3 +Tip $3)
- Wal-mart Total: $3.50 (Base pay $3)
- Walmart Total: $4 (Base pay $4)
I took two Walmart orders today, I am interested to see if Wal-mart orders typically pay a higher tip. When I did a DoorDash order earlier this week and I got a $10 tip from a Wal-mart order. The tip for Wal-mart orders is not added until after the order is delivered.
Good news: I got a $7 tip for each Wal-mart order. I may have to keep taking these types of orders.
Saturday, February 6, 2021
Today, I woke up really excited to do DoorDash. I took my first order which turned out to be a double order for Five Guys and Starwood Cafe totaling $12.
While picking up that order I had some phone issues. I forgot the day prior I had downgraded my phone plan to a lower data package and I did not think about the impact it would have on DoorDash. While picking up the orders, I had challenges with getting the delivery information pulled up. I was almost nervous I would not be able to drop off the orders but luckily I got access to wi-fi which helped.
After completing these orders, I decided to take off for the rest of the day because I did not want to have any more issues.
Orders Taken:
- Starwood Total: $6 (Base pay $2 + Tip $4)
- Five Guys Total: $6 (Base pay $3 + Tip $3)
DoorDash could be a good side hustle. I need to continue to do it a while longer and I will be able to bring in a decent amount of income. My plan is to continue to take Wal-mart orders if the distance makes sense because they seem to pay out pretty well.