New Year, New Goals: Are You Still On Track?

Hey girl. What’s been going on?

January has officially left the building. Scary, right? Time is moving so fast. Before we know it, its going to be December. And I know I am not ready that. But I wanted to sit down with you to see how your goals are going. See, I recently realized that I have fell off on some of my goals so I am  having to reel myself back in because I have stuff to accomplish just like I know you do.

So really, how has it been going? Are you still on track with your goals? Or are you slipping just a little bit? If you’re in the latter category, I want to help because I was just in that situation. For 2018, I set multiple goals for myself regarding my blog, school, and my finances. They are all terrific goals that I really, really want to accomplish but now that the momentum from the beginning of the New Year has worn off it’s been a bit more challenging.

But you know what? All is not lost. We are still in this game and we can turn it around.

The first thing you have to do is be real with yourself. Did you set a good goal? I am not talking about I want to get all A’s or I want to step out of my comfort zone. Though those are good things to desire, they are such big ideas that sometimes they can be overwhelming. So what you need to do is go back and revisit your goals to make sure that they are good ones.


You will know if it is a good goal if it is an S.M.A.R.T goal. That means that your goal is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Limited. You need to know exactly what you are trying to accomplish, when you want to accomplish it and have markers to be able to evaluate your progress. It is important to be able to track your progress in order to see if what you are doing is successful or if you need to make some changes because what you are currently doing is not working. So figure out a way to check your progress weekly, biweekly, or monthly.

An example, would be I am trying to grow my Instagram so I have set a monthly goal of how many followers I want to gain. Then I broke it down further into how many followers I need to gain each week to meet that monthly goal. This has helped me because it is making my goal more manageable and I am able to stay on top of it. So, figure out what works for you.

Another thing, it is super important to ask yourself if this goal is really a goal you want to achieve.  Sometimes we have the tendency to make goals because they sound good but that shouldn’t be the case. Your goal should be something that helps to fulfill your bigger purpose and that’s something that I realized through the Slay Your Goals Boo planner by Nadalie. In this planner, she starts with the nitty gritty.

Nadalie, does not just hand you a calendar and throw you out there she starts from the beginning. She ask you important questions to help you find your “why”. Your “why” is essentially your purpose. When setting a goal, you should know exactly how this will help you grow and if it is necessary. Do not have goals because you think it makes you cool because 9/10 chance its not what is going to keep you motivated. Your motivation will come from knowing that your goal is helping you to reach your ultimate purpose.

Last thing, have a reminder of your goal somewhere around your room. This can be in the form of a vision board or something hanging on a wall. This will be a great reminder of what you are working towards and you can’t help but see it when placed in a highly visible area. Through this I hope that you won’t forget what’s on the table and you will consistently take the steps to be successful and get what you want.

Now that you know these tips, I hope you are able to get back on track.